Doctoral is a simple, online, open-source document manager built with privacy in mind.

Sign up for free for a hosted experience here, or host it yourself.

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Open Source

All the code for Doctoral is open-source as well as its dependencies. You can propose features and even contribute new ones for everyone.

Web-Hosted or Self-Hosted

You can use the hosted version at or host it yourself to keep your data to yourself and use the security features of your chosen cloud provider to keep it safe and secure.


Privacy features are on the roadmap, such as providing an encryption key to help ensure that you're the only one who can see your content.


Honestly, there isn't much innovative or novel about Doctoral, and it's not really intended to be unique just yet. But here's what it does:

Intuitive editing experience

It's just a document editor, much like Google Docs or Dropbox Paper. Similar keyboard shortcuts, etc. Nothing special, by design.

Author and organize documents

What you expect. Create docs, organize in folders, tag them, archive, etc.


On the roadmap: Provide a key, even just a simple phrase, to encrypt your documents on the server.

Publishing posts

Get a public URL for a read-only version of a document.

Manage revisions

Keep documents' editing histories, write drafts, restore prior versions, etc.


Grab the code, add extensions, integrate different open-source editors, etc.